Privacy Policy

Last updated 2023-10-31.


This Privacy Policy applies to the the following mobile games, which we will collectively refer to as the "service" or "services":

This policy describes the collection and use of personal data by the developer of these services, referred to as "we" and "us". The personal data of users is referred to both as "personal data" and "data". Users are also referred to as "you". By using our services, you agree to this policy.

We utilize third parties to host our services within marketplaces and to serve advertisements within our services. We will refer to these third parties as "partners" and "providers". We may share your data with these providers. This is reflected in the "When we share your data" section. These providers have their own privacy policies. We encourage you to review the policies of the third parties below.

Data we collect

Our services collect data automatically. Square the Circles is an exception and does not collect data automatically. Services collecting data may use cookies and similar technologies such as mobile SDK. Automatically collected data may include:

We may also collect data that you provide to us directly. Any form of correspondence that you send us and the content of that correspondence may be collected. This includes marketplace reviews and email messages.

Why we collect data

We collect data for the following purposes:

Retention of data

Data that we collect will be retained for durations permitted by applicable law only as necessary to serve legitimate business interests.

When we share data

We share your data with our service providers.

We may transfer your data if there is a change in ownership of one or more of the services.

Your data may be transferred to public authorities in response to a lawful request.

Your rights and options

Your rights and options regarding your personal data include:

Children's Privacy

Our services are intended for a general audience and do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from someone under the age of 13 without parental consent, we will delete the data in a timely manner.

Changes to this Policy

We will make changes to this policy to improve clarity, or if there are substantive changes to the types of data we collect or to other surrounding policies. We will notify you if we make a substantive change. The notification will be a message within the service, such as a dialog box. As an exception, Square the Circles cannot present such a message as it does not establish a connection to the internet. Similarly, within our other services, notification is only possible if your device allows our service to connect to the internet. If you are a user of the Square the Circles service, or if you prevent our other services from connecting to the internet, you must visit this page if you wish to know of updates.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this privacy policy or a request regarding your personal data, please contact us at the email address below.